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This presentation was made at CAASE18, The Conference on Advancing Analysis & Simulation in Engineering. CAASE18 brought together the leading visionaries, developers, and practitioners of CAE-related technologies in an open forum, to share experiences, discuss relevant trends, discover common themes, and explore future issues.

Resource Abstract (RiS) is a new industry-wide, collaborative initiative that aims to provide the resources necessary for implementing the Democratization of Simulation at organizations that can benefit from the expanded use of simulation tools. This public web portal serves as a resource center for information related to the revolution that is underway in the simulation world. In particular, there are many changes afoot that promise to democratize simulation, bringing the power of simulation to everyone, not just the experts. Here, you’ll get access to the latest useful news, articles, presentations, videos, webinars, success stories and other related materials. You will also be able to access various industry experts, organizations, and service & software solutions providers who can help you and your organization join the revolution and, thereby, significantly improve the ROI on your simulation investments. We’re entering a new era in simulation – see for yourself what this revolution is all about and take the necessary steps to implement this new approach in your organization!

This presentation will introduce you to this nascent initiative – why should you care, how can you join, what resources are available, how to access numerous success stories, who are the Moderators of the various relevant topic areas, what steps can you take to initiate a test program, and more! There will be time for a Q&A session to address your questions.

Document Details

AuthorPanthaki. M
Date 7th June 2018
OrganisationComet Solutions


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