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Bob G Tickel (USA)

Bob G Tickel

Director - Multi-Disciplinary Simulation - Cummins Inc.

Bob G Tickel

Mr. Tickel is currently Director, Multi-Disciplinary Simulation, Corporate R&T, Cummins Inc. He has over 35 years of experience in powertrain technology and product development. The bulk of his career has been focused on the development and deployment of modeling and simulation tools and methods and their application to powertrain components and systems.

In Addition, Mr. Tickel is a member of the NAFEMS Americas Steering Committee since 2023. He has been an active member of the Business Impact Working Group and more recently the Upfront Working Group. Mr. Tickel is also a regular participant in the ASSESS Congress.

Mr. Tickel received his BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and his MS degree in Engineering from Purdue University.