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Current Activities

Current Activities

The NAFEMS Stochastics Working Group aim to accelerate the adoption and further the development of stochastic methods.


Uncertainty enters into numerical simulation from a variety of sources, such as variability in input parameters. Knowledge of the effect of uncertainties can lead the analyst to drastically different conclusions regarding which input parameters are most important. Quantifying the effect of uncertainty provide the analyst with an estimate of the true performance of a design.

Areas of Current Interest

  • Currently planning a working group authored publication “How to do Uncertainly Quantification”

Recent Publications

Recent Technical Articles

O​n-demand Courses

Note: The above listed activities are based on observations made by Ian Symington, NAFEMS Technical Officer, through participation in working group meetings.

Chair: Alexander Karl, Rolls-Royce

Meeting FrequencyMonthly

LocationOnline (web-based meetings)