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Realising the Value of High Fidelity Models Augmented by On-line Process Data for Real-Time Decision Making

Realising the Value of High Fidelity Models Augmented by On-line Process Data for Real-Time Decision Making

Online: 14:00 BST. Duration: 1 hour.

Ansys Hybrid Digital Twins: Combining high fidelity models like CFD (computational fluid dynamics) and FEA (finite element analysis) with live process data​ to deliver on-line virtual sensors for better operational efficiency, safety and sustainability. Many applications in the process industry involve extreme environments where placing regular physical sensors is challenging or not possible at all. These are the very same environments where detailed system monitoring, control, optimisation and predictive maintenance are a must to avoid HSE risks, ensure yield targets, minimise operational costs and maximise uptime.

High fidelity models can provide a great deal of process insights, but execution runtimes have been prohibitive for online applications. This is no longer the case. ​This webinar will outline key elements of a hybrid digital twin, concepts and techniques, workflows and architecture, typical use cases and project plans. Most importantly, why you should care!


Event Type: Webinar
City: Online
Country: Online
Date: 28 Jul 2023