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Einsatz von Sensitivitätsanalysen zur Entscheidungsfindung basierend auf CFD Modellen


The presentation is on the use of sensitivity analyses for decision-making based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models. The presenters demonstrate this through a simple example of designing a protective wall, highlighting the importance of uncertainty propagation in decision-making. The presentation emphasizes that all analyses are performed post-processing based on a single Monte Carlo simulation, showcasing the critical role of choosing the right sensitivity measure, in this case, the Expected Value of Partial Perfect Information (EVPPI), to obtain the desired answers. The selection of the sensitivity measure is guided by a clearly defined question regarding the purpose of the analysis, focusing on the 'Quantity of Interest' in the model's output and the specific aim of the analysis.

Document Details

AuthorsBetz. W Papaioannou. I Straub. D
Date 25th October 2023
OrganisationsEracons Technical University Munich


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