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Introduction to Design by Analysis of Pressure Systems and Components

Introduction to Design by Analysis of Pressure Systems and Components


Introduction to Design by Analysis of Pressure Systems and Components

FEA is now the tool of choice for those carrying out Design by Analysis in this industry sector. The technology is also applied widely in research, development and failure studies of vessels and components. The Codes of Practice provide little or no guidance on the use of finite element analysis however. To address this need two on-demand training courses have been designed to provide the necessary underpinning for the safe and effective use of FEA in such application areas.

The courses are an "Introduction to Finite Element Analysis of Pressure Systems and Components" (FEA) and an "Introduction to Design by Analysis of Pressure Systems and Components" (DBA). The FEA course can be viewed as a pre-requisite to the DBA course, for engineers who have little experience in the use of the technology in this sector.

For such simulation engineers and analysts, moving into a new area of analyses, or perhaps requiring to refresh existing competencies, these courses, should provide a useful resource. Both courses focus on aspects of technology that will remain relevant to current engineering practice for many years to come. The aim remains that the courses should be sufficient to allow safe and effective use of modern analysis and simulation tools in the power, pressure vessel and process plant sectors. The courses should also provide a basis for further competency development in these and related areas.




This course was developed as part of the CCOPPS project and was funded under the EU Leonardo scheme (project UK/06/B/F/PP-162-547). The project was led by Jim Wood from the University of Strathclyde, with NAFEMS as a project partner along with CETIM, the University of Malta, the University of Stuttgart and the University of Warsaw.

The content of both courses has been updated and enhanced from the Summer of 2018 until the Summer of 2019.

NAFEMS would like to thank Jim Wood for his effort in developing these two valuable courses.


This on demand training course is designed to be self-contained, although links to further reading are provided where necessary. The course chapters may be accessed as required at any time in a non-structured manner. Each chapter contains background notes, worked examples, self-test examinations, further tutorials and these can also be accessed at any time.

The training course starts from fundamentals and goes deeper into the subject, finally progressing towards applications in the field of pressure vessel design. A helpful tool within the course are the Quizzes within each chapter which can be used to check understanding of the topics. Explanations to quiz answers are also given to help the delegate comprehend and reinforce the notes content. Each chapter is supported by references which can be used to broaden and deepen knowledge in the respective areas.

It is expected that delegates have a background education of at least up to a first cycle degree in mechanical engineering, or similar.