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SimScale Accelerates Climate Tech Innovation

SimScale Accelerates Climate Tech Innovation

-SimScale GmbH supports the development of innovative climate technologies using its cloud-native engineering simulation software.

SimScale has partnered with leading engineering firms developing innovative climate technologies and will be hosting a free webinar, Engineering A Better Planet - Simulation for Climate Tech, on September 13, 2023.

Global investments in energy transition (and climate) technology must quadruple to $35 trillion by 2030 to stay in line with commitments made under the Paris climate agreement, according to a report by the International Renewable Energy Agency ( Adapting to a changing climate will require an exponential increase in climate-tech innovation and funding.

The webinar will showcase the latest technology and applied methods in adapting our homes, cities, and industries toward a decarbonized future and include presentations from leading engineering and design firms globally.


The challenges of climate change and the need for new technologies
The latest advances in engineering simulation to support climate tech
How simulation is used to develop new climate tech solutions
Real-world examples include technologies for renewable heat in industrial processes, microclimate modeling for urban design, digital twins for building optimization, and a new generation of urban wind turbines

This webinar is for engineers, scientists, and anyone interested in learning more about how engineering simulation can be used to address climate change.