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FEATool Multiphysics

FEATool Multiphysics

FEATool Multiphysics™ - Physics Simulation Made Easy!


FEATool Multiphysics™ - Physics Simulation Made Easy!

FEATool Multiphysics™ is a fully integrated and easy-to-use multiphysics and mathematical modeling platform, designed to make Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) simulations really easy to set up and run.

By combining and seamlessly integrating a very intuitive and easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) with state-of-the-art partial differential equation (PDE) and flow solvers such as FEniCS, OpenFOAM®, SU2 Code, with geometry (CAD), mesh generators (Gmsh, Netgen), postprocessing and 3D visualization backends (ParaView, Plotly), enables anyone to start making multi-physics simulations in minutes, without having to spend days or weeks learning software, compiling, or configuring.

At the same time the FEATool™ simulation toolbox is fully programmable and extensible the with MATLAB® and Python languages, allowing experienced users to integrate custom equations and physics models into their own workflows, and export and script advanced simulation studies directly from the GUI.

Please feel free to visit to download and try the toolbox today.

Software Details

Vendor: Precise Simulation
Tech Area: