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Dynamics Testing and Analysis Workshop

Dynamics Testing & Analysis Workshop - It Vibrates: What Now?

Most structures in an operating environment will be subject to dynamic loads.  Often this leads to unwanted vibration.  Of course, in a perfect world engineers would have anticipated such issues and designed the product accordingly.  In the real world, we often have to resolve vibration issues retrospectively.  Thus, the purpose of this workshop was to show a range of analysis and testing techniques which can achieve in-situ vibration reduction.

The workshop was illustrated with examples from the Aerospace, Civil, Process and Automotive industries and was of interest to all engineers who encounter vibration response in pre-production design, validation of test models or even operational troubleshooting.


Vibration Reduction: What Approach Do We Take?
A Tutorial by David Ewins (FRS), Director of BLADE ewins.pdf

Vibration Control in Process Piping Systems
Rob Swindell, Bureau Veritasswindell.pdf

Structural Variability and Damping
Hugh Goyder, Cranfield Universitygoyder.pdf

NVH/Fatigue in Automotive Structures
Andrew Halfpenny, HBM Ltdhalfpenny.pdf

Active Control of Floor Vibration
Paul Reynolds, Sheffield Universityreynolds.pdf