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Simulation Credibility for Decision Making - The Importance of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ)

Simulation Credibility for Decision Making

The Importance of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ)

June 8 - 9, 2021

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Is Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) relevant beyond the safety related and regulated sectors? It is well known that work within sectors such nuclear power and aviation is subjected to VVUQ; however, the processes are relevant to all simulation, from hand calculation to supercomputing in all sectors. The processes demonstrate robust design; and form a solid basis for fault tracking.

This seminar addresses the current status and challenges of VVUQ, often associated with highly regulated industries, in the context of simulation credibility for all engineering decision making. It also acts as a precursor to one of the major threads for the forthcoming hybrid NAFEMS World Congress, 25 – 29 October 2021 in Salzburg, Austria, and online (

Organizing Committee

  • Chris Rogers, CREA Consultants, SGMWG*
  • William L. Oberkampf, W. L. Oberkampf Consulting, SGMWG*
  • Alexander Karl, Rolls-Royce Corporation, SWG* and SGMWG*
  • Steve Howell, Abercus, SGMWG* and CFDWG*
  • Jean-François Imbert, JFIConsult, SGMWG*

* NAFEMS Working Groups
SGMWG = Simulation Governance and Management Working Group
SWG = Stochastics Working Group
CFDWG = Computational Fluid Dynamics Working Group

VVUQ seminar website short link:

Agenda, June 8th (time zone UTC+1, London) *

Introduction and NAFEMS Activities in VVUQ
Chris Rogers (CREA Consultants); Albert Roger Oswald (NAFEMS)

Session 1: Credibility Concepts

Verification and Validation in Simulation Quality Management
Jonathan Smith (

Software Quality Assurance and Code Verification in Computational Simulation Verification Concepts
Steve Howell (Abercus)

Model Validation from an Implementation Perspective
– How much Validation Rigor for Credibility?
Jean-François Imbert (JFIConsult)


Session 2: Credibility Concepts

Uncertainty Quantification Concepts and Methods
Alexander Karl (Rolls Royce Corporation)

SPDM, the Digital Thread Solution Which Provides the Traceability Necessary for Results to be Credible
Mark Norris (theSDMconsultancy)

ASME Activities inVerification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification
David Moorcroft (Chair of ASME VVUQ Standards committee / Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation)

Sponsor presentation:
EikoTwin: Simulation Validation Through the Prism of Optical Measurements
Florent Mathieu (Eikosim)

Open Discussion / Moderated Q&A with Presenter on Stage
Moderated by Chris Rogers (CREA Consultants)

Wrap-up day 1
Chris Rogers (CREA Consultants)

End of day 1


Agenda June 9th(time zone UTC+1, London)*

Session 3: Applications of VVUQ in Industry

Building Credible Simulations for Qualification of Space Launch Vehicle Structures – The Importance of VVUQ
Javad Fatemi (Airbus Defence and Space)

Victories and Challenges in Establishing Credibility for Medical Device Simulations
Jeff Bodner (Medtronic Corporation)

Industrial Implementation of a Simulation Maturity Scale
Anders Bøge Jensen (Grundfos Holding)

Multi Objective Robustness Design Optimization (MORDO) of an I-3 Balance Shaft Engine
Fabio Pedoroso (Ford Motor Company); Zhendan Xue (Esteco)


Session 4: Simulation-Informed Decision Making

Decision Making in Industry and Regulatory Authorities
William L. Oberkampf (W. L. Oberkampf Consulting)

Open Discussion / Moderated Q&A with Presenter on Stage
Moderated by William L. Oberkampf (W. L. Oberkampf Consulting)

Wrap-Up and Closing Remarks
Chris Rogers (CREA Consultants Limited); Albert Roger Oswald (NAFEMS)

End of Conference

* Preliminary agenda subject to iterations!

Speaker Affiliations

  • Jonathan Smith, United Kingdom
  • Steve Howell
    Abercus, Technical Director, United Kingdom
  • Jean-François Imbert
    JFIConsult, France
    Consulting Engineer
  • Alexander Karl
    Rolls-Royce Corporation, USA
    Associate Fellow - Robust Design and Systems Engineering
  • Marc Norris
    theSDMconsultancy, United Kingdom
  • David Moorcroft
    FAA, Aviation Safety, USA
    Team Coordinator - Biodynamics Research Team
  • Javad Fatemi
    Airbus Defence and Space, The Netherlands
    Systems Engineer & Expert Composite Structures
  • Jeff Bodner
    Medtronic Corporation, USA
    Neuromodulation Division
    Senior Principal Engineer and Medtronic Technical Fellow
  • Anders Bøge Jensen
    Grundfos Holding, Denmark
    Senior Manager, Mechanical Design & Simulation
  • William L. Oberkampf
    W. L. Oberkampf Consulting, USA


The Importance of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification





Participant fee
Not-NAFEMS members: 270 Euro
NAFEMS members:
- using 2 seminar credits: free*
- no seminar credits available: 200 Euro
These fees include attendance at the conference and the digital conference proceedings.
All costs plus VAT if applicable.

Conference language

Sponsor/Exhibition Package

  • Opportunity for a 15 min. company presentation in parallel session. The presentation needs to be directly related to the seminar topic (case study) but can of course include commercial contents
  • Opportunity for a virtual booth
  • Attendance of two staff members
  • Two free customer registrations
  • Inclusion in e-mail promotions to delegates in advance of the seminar
  • Logo and link to your company website on the NAFEMS seminar website
  • List of attendees with contact details (subject to opt-in, according to GDPR)
  • Limited number of sponsor places available.

Package price:
NAFEMS members: 1,000 Euro
not NAFEMS member: 1,500 Euro

NAFEMS Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz GmbH
Griesstraße 20, 85567 Grafing b. München, Germany
Phone: +49 176 217 984 01
Fax: +49 3 22 11 08 99 13 41