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Benchmark October 2021 - NAFEMS World Congress

BENCHMARK October 2021

NAFEMS World Congress


In the BENCHMARK October 2021 Issue, you will find out about:


View From Your Editorial Team

This will be my 10th NAFEMS World Congress. Usually, I’m looking forward to a trip to a new city, deciding how many suits I really need to bring, and working out the perfect time to book that pre- congress haircut. This time is a little different, albeit the haircut conundrum is still a real struggle. Since the July issue of benchmark, the Congress has moved from a hybrid event to a purely online conference. We’re all used to online events, but it would be churlish to pretend we’re not disappointed that the “in person” part of the Congress won’t be happening. There really is nothing that can replace face to face networking, a few drinks in the bar after a hard day listening to presentations, and the new ideas that can come simply from sitting-in on a discussion session with colleagues. But, being NAFEMS, we’re a little on the irrepressible side.

We’ve taken the, some may say somewhat bold, decision to get as close to the in-person experience as possible. The online NAFEMS World Congress 2021 has a custom-built ‘3D Virtual World’ at its very heart. Each attendee will control their own avatar, and be able to move around a lively exhibition area talking to our sponsors as well as other attendees, taking part in various discussion sessions and meet- ups after the main presentation tracks, and participating in a whole host of social activities, from virtual entertainment shows to games and more.

Of course, the important part is the content – and that’s where we’ve really come up with a winner this time. We’re hosting more presentations than ever before, in a dazzling array of sessions and tracks, covering every aspect of analysis and simulation. And the best part this time is that everything will be recorded and available to attendees afterwards. That’s right – this time, there’s no decision fatigue when trying to work out which session is going to be most interesting and informative – you can attend the live session you want, participate in the live Q&A and discussion sessions that will really make this Congress a step ahead of all the others, and catch-up with what you’ve missed afterwards.

The key to the NWC experience is that it’s a team effort. Our sponsors, the presenters, the session chairs, our review committee, the various organising committees, our technology partners, and the NAFEMS staff (and the NAFEMS staff’s families that have to put up with the long hours and missed vacations!) have been dedicated to the event above and beyond the call of duty, and we are truly grateful to each and every person who is involved in the event.

The World Congress sums NAFEMS up. It’s our flagship event – a representation of our community. It’s different, it’s diverse, it’s friendly, it’s not “off the shelf”, it’s accessible to everyone, and it’s yours.

This issue of benchmark continues on the theme of our “analysis agenda” – we have several excellent articles covering various aspects of simulation and analysis. Each of the authors will be part of the NWC, so you’ll have the chance to ask them questions about what they’ve written, virtual face to virtual face.

I traditionally close the Congress edition editorial with a reminder of my drink order, should you meet me in the bar at NWC. This time, I guess, you’ll just have to hold that thought, and make it a double in 2023.


David Quinn - Editor


If you have feedback or would like to see your article featured in benchmark contact


Document Details

Date 9th October 2021


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