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Smart “3D CAE Report” for Making Faster Design Decisions throughout the Product Life Cycle

This presentation was made at CAASE18, The Conference on Advancing Analysis & Simulation in Engineering. CAASE18 brought together the leading visionaries, developers, and practitioners of CAE-related technologies in an open forum, to share experiences, discuss relevant trends, discover common themes, and explore future issues.

Resource Abstract

Efficient use of Simulation Results in making design decisions is becoming a key enabler of strategic goals for improving competitiveness and profitability. Many different Simulation tools, many data formats, huge data files, complex post processing requirements and limited 3D collaboration options are the main bottlenecks in effective communication of simulation information to make design decisions.

Intelligent Simulation Information extracted from bulky result files is critical to be available to all stakeholders at the right time, for critical decision making, throughout the product development process.

Most of the simulation tools support interactive approach to view 3D simulation results. It is common practice for analysts to open the CAE results files, find the peaks or failure points, annotate them in power point and create as many slides in power point. Common practice of creating such 2D image (and Video) based reports is cumbersome, error prone and is not sufficient to validate models and results for complex 3D assemblies. Many iterations are required to communicate simulation information to the designers. There can be miss-communications which could lead to sub optimal designs or design errors.

In global design scenario, simulation task may be split into different groups and effective 3D Simulation information sharing is critical for effective validation of CAE models, communicating with designers and using simulation in design optimization cycles.

In this paper, the authors discuss smart ways of extraction and transformation of native simulation data into Intelligent 3D Simulation Information. Different ways of creating and sharing of 3D reports for effective communication & collaboration of Simulation information are discussed.

Extraction of Intelligent Simulation Information from large simulation data file of different format is time consuming and error prone. An intelligent way to post process simulation data using scripts and temples are also discussed in this paper.

Most of the SPDM systems are web based applications and support html reports. Web based 3D CAE Reporting options are discussed in detail with examples.

Document Details

AuthorMandava. P
Date 5th June 2018
OrganisationVisual Collaboration Technologies


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