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Sustainable Failure Management in Data Centers with 1D-3D Co-Simulation

This presentation by Dassault Systèmes delves into sustainable failure management in data centers, emphasizing the complexity of these systems which extend beyond mere buildings and computers. The focus was on addressing pressing challenges such as rising internet traffic, heavy loads, thermal management, and sustainability, especially in terms of emissions. The core of the presentation is the introduction of a virtual twin simulation solution for data centers. This solution encompasses a multi-tiered modeling approach: a 1D system model for initial HVAC dimensioning, a 3D CFD model for enhancing the efficiency of climate systems at the component level, and a sophisticated coupled 1D-3D model at the server hall level. This advanced model aims to optimize cooling strategies, enhance thermal performance, predict hardware failures, and factor in external weather conditions.

Document Details

AuthorAntoniou. E
Date 25th October 2023
OrganisationDassault Systèmes


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