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System-Level modeling using Ansys Motion and Ansys Twin Builder

The world increasingly relies on robots to deliver speed (e.g., industrial process automation), precision (e.g., in automotive welding) and safety (e.g., in defense/surgery). To make robots as robust as possible requires precise modeling using simulation on all three subsystems: (1) an assembly of bodies typically linked by joints, (2) power electronics/actuators to drive the mechanism/s and (3) controllers that ensure predictable, desired motion. This work shows the workflow in Ansys for a successful design of your robot, not only in terms of multi-body dynamics, but also of system control by integrating it in a full system simulation. This approach allows engineers to analyze its product from system to assembly to component level, giving a deep insight and helping them to find problems before they become an issue.

Document Details

AuthorMessager. G
Date 6th October 2022


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