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Aircraft air-intake optimisation using AI supported Virtual Blade Model

Aircraft air-intake optimisation using AI supported Virtual Blade Model

Gábor Zipszer, eCon Engineering Kft.

The water-cooler intake of an ultra-light aircraft was optimised accounting for propeller induced flow field by the utilisation of a 3D corrected Virtual Blade Model. The 3D aerodynamical corrections were derived by an Artificial Intelligence module linked to the in-house developed VBM. The CFD model was built-up using Ansys Fluent, while the optimisation was governed by OptiSLang. Three of the optimised intake designs were built and tested during in-flight measurements.

Gabor Zipszer is a senior CFD simulation engineer at eCon Engineering Kft. He was the leader of a 3-year long tender project focusing on the development of CFD and FEM simulation and optimisation methodologies for small- and medium-aircraft verified by an extensive in-flight test campaign. As part of the project an AI driven 3D corrected Virtual Blade Model was developed and applied during the optimisation tasks. Gabor previously worked as an aero-performance engineer at Dowty Propellers (UK) and were involved in new product development and wind tunnel test campaign activities.

Gábor Zipszer is a senior CFD simulation engineer at eCon Engineering Kft. He was the leader of a 3-year long tender project focusing on the development of CFD and FEM simulation and optimisation methodologies for small- and medium-aircraft verified by an extensive in-flight test campaign. As part of the project an AI driven 3D corrected Virtual Blade Model was developed and applied during the optimisation tasks. Gabor previously worked as an aero-performance engineer at Dowty Propellers (UK) and were involved in new product development and wind tunnel test campaign activities.

Document Details

AuthorZipszer. G
Date 19th October 2022
OrganisationeCon Engineering
RegionsGlobal Eastern Europe


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