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In-house CAE Analysis in a Competitive Startup Environment

Presentation shows the beginnings of FEM and CFD activities in the components department of Rimac Automobili. During this period we grew from two engineers to a department of ten people which supports the development of Powertrain and Battery Systems Engineering components. The focus is on the simulation activities for an ongoing project, a battery pack for an external customer. FEM model setup for calculating vibration and shock loads is shown. Testing phase is included, with encountered problems and their mitigations. Benefits of FEM activities are listed for the project and a brief overview of FEM activities is presented. Finally, CFD side shows their contribution to the project and a brief overview of CFD and 1D activities in our department with corresponding validation tests.

Document Details

AuthorJuretic. G
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
Date 25th March 2019
OrganisationRimac Automobili
RegionEastern Europe


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