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Materials and the digital twin: how to integrate test and simulation data

This presentation by Najib Baig was made at the NAFEMS eSeminar "Simulation & Digital Twins - Behind the Buzzwords" on the 2nd of May 2018.

To build a digital twin you need an accurate description of the materials used in the product, including the properties of those materials that are required for analysis. This poses many challenges.  You need to ensure consistency in the varied material definitions used across the different simulation and design models, and length scales, that combine to create a comprehensive digital twin.  A key task, often time-consuming and error-prone, is to generate correctly-formatted material input decks for simulation.  You need to bring together data from testing and simulation in order to validate modelling, and to help optimize product performance.  This is particularly true when applying emerging technologies, such as Additive Manufacturing.  And you need to manage change, since the understanding of materials evolves as new tests, analyses, and information become available.  In this talk we will discuss a systematic approach to managing materials information (including both empirical data and simulation data) that can support these activities. We will discuss how leading engineering enterprises are applying best practice materials information, and how effective integration with CAE, CAD, and PLM can enable the digital twin.

Document Details

AuthorBaig. N
AudiencesManager Analyst
Date 2nd May 2018
OrganisationGranta Design


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