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Leveraging Systems Thinking, MBSE and Simulation in the Design and Analysis of Highly Distributed Autonomous Vehicle Systems

This presentation was made at the NAFEMS Americas Seminar "Model-Based Engineering: What is it & How Will It Impact Engineering Simulation" held on the 1st of October 2019 in Columbus Ohio

Resource Abstract

The increase in global urbanization presents significant traffic congestion and emission challenges. Ford sees these challenges as an opportunity to design smart Autonomous Vehicle Solutions that can actually help city planners design transportation systems that improve the quality of life for everyone. To accomplish this goal we are leveraging Systems Thinking, Model Based Systems Engineering and Virtual Simulation Analysis & Design to define the next generation of mobility solutions.

This presentation provides some examples of how Ford Motor Company has been applying systems thinking combined with modelling and simulation to develop autonomous vehicle system solutions.

Document Details

AuthorDavey. C
Date 1st October 2019


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