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Code Verification for Elastostatic Solid Mechanics and Pseudoelasticity - An Example of Rigorous Code Verification for a Commercial Finite Element Software

Despite its recognition as the gold-standard for code verification of physics-based computational modeling, examples of method of manufactured solutions (MMS) code verification applied to solid mechanics are rare in the literature, especially for commercial software and non-trivial, large-deformation analyses involving nonlinear materials. In this webinar we summarize our approach to performing MMS code verification of a commercial finite element code for common elastostatic problems relevant to many industries including medical devices. Additionally, because MMS requires a closed-form representation of the governing equations, we demonstrate an alternative but related approach known as the method of exact solutions (MES) for code verification of a path-dependent constitutive model commonly used to simulate the pseudoelastic behavior of nickel titanium alloys.

Generation of source terms for the MMS verification will be shown using Python/SymPy in a live demo during the presentation.

Document Details

AuthorAycock. K
Date 7th December 2020
OrganisationU.S. Food and Drug Administration


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