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A Smart Design Network to Accelerate Product Design and Certification Processes

A Smart Design Network to Accelerate Product Design and Certification Processes

Following the recent publication of the Innovate UK (IUK) Materials and Manufacturing 2050 Vision on “Smart Design”, the High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult in partnership with National Physical Laboratory (NPL), British Standards Institution (BSI) and NAFEMS have been working with Innovate UK to establish a National Smart Design Network.

The ambition: To differentiate UK Engineering capabilities globally by establishing a vibrant multisectoral ecosystem (large and small businesses, digital engineering technology providers, academia, regulators and Innovators) that will be a key part of driving the transformation of product design and through life certification. Modelling, simulation, and digitalisation capabilities are seen as a catalyst to this transformation and a priority theme to be developed by the network.

Underpinning the Smart Design Network, is an internationally significant AI HPC (Isambard-AI) being commissioned in Bristol, UK. This unprecedented investment provides an opportunity for the UK to develop the skills and business that can industrialise a new generation of AI based modelling capability. Its remit goes well beyond engineering and manufacturing and will include other data-intensive sectors such as finance, meteorology, cyber security, drug discovery, advanced materials and earth-observation amongst others.

The session is an introduction to the Smart Design Network as it stands today, the Isambard AI Asset in detail and the activities in the “Certification by Analysis” pilot working group.

A​bout the presenter

Marc Funnell is Chief Engineer for Smart Design at the High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult. Alongside this role, he is also Head of Digital Engineering at the National Composites Centre (NCC), one of the seven HVM Catapult centres.

With over 20 years’ experience in industry, Marc specialises in composite design and analysis with a passion, demonstrating success in the digital transformation of engineering practices throughout his career.

Following his MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Stellenbosch University and research activities across the automotive and defence sectors in South Africa, Marc joined the composite research team at Airbus UK, culminating in his role as Head of Analysis for the ALCAS programme, a precursor to the A350.After leaving Airbus, he ran a private company working across major aerospace OEMs as a specialist in composite analysis and design until joining GKN Aerospace as global Head of Engineering Methodology, responsible for driving engineering change across 56 sites globally. He joined in 2019 the National Composites Centre as Head of Digital, leading the Digital Engineering Technology & Innovation programme where he is responsible driving the application and adoption of digital technologies to benefit the UK composite engineering and manufacturing industry. In 2022, Marc joined the HVM Catapult as one of twelve Chief Engineers leading its national technology portfolio.

Document Details

AuthorsFunnel. M
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
Date 7th December 2023
OrganisationHigh Value Manufacturing Catapult


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