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A Designers' Guide to CFD

NAFEMS has recently published a book entitled “A Designers’ Guide to CFD”. To introduce this to the design and simulation community we are planning an on-line town hall meeting.

The purpose of “A Designers’ Guide to CFD” is to introduce today’s multi-tasking engineers to the new breed of CFD tools that are being specifically developed for “design engineers”. These software packages promise to spread the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques to a far wider audience than before by making a step change in the ease of use. This may have been achieved in many cases but are there still issues that these engineers need to be aware of to get the best out of these tools and avoid computer aided disasters? The main purpose of this book is to address these issues and provide guidance to “design engineers”, and their managers, as to how to make best use of such CFD software.

This webinar opens with a presentation setting out the intention behind “A Designers’ Guide to CFD” before opening up a round table discussion with an expert panel of invited speakers.

Document Details

AuthorsClapp. M Hendrickson. J Jamais. S Parry. J
Date 7th May 2020
Organisations8020 Engineering ANSYS Cambridge Consultants Mentor Graphics


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