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Multiscale Modelling - Bridging Different Scales

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Multiscale modelling methods are nowadays an essential tool for structural analysis of complex systems. Structural Engineers often need to simulate large scale structures where the micro-mechanical properties of constituent materials greatly affect the overall structural behaviour. The micro-structure and mechanical properties need therefore to be explicitly introduced in the analysis procedure. 

Traditional simulation methods such as FE are consequently pushed to their limits; fine detailing is required to accurately represent the actual response leading to prohibitive computational costs. This course aims to introduce the essential principles of multiscale analysis for structural engineering problems which aim to properly communicate micro-scale structural information onto the macro-scale leading to reduced order yet accurate models. Focus will be on presenting the key benefits and limitations of multiscale analysis through illustrious examples pertaining to actual industrial applications.

This webinar aims to serve as an introduction on multi-scale analysis and in particular homogenization methods covering the following topics

Webinar Agenda 

1. What Is Multiscale Analysis
2. Homogenization Methods vs FE2 methods – benefits and limitations
3. Industrial applications (e.g. injection moulded plastic structures with fiber reinforcement)
4. Applications in current commercial software

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
• Distinguish between different multi-scale modelling methods
• Appreciate the advantages of multi-scale modelling methods as opposed to current FEA techniques
• Reflect on the potential applications of multi-scale methods in current industrial applications using state-of-the-art commercial software

Who Should Attend

This seminar will be suitable for Structural Engineers and analysts aiming to implement multiscale analysis methods with a particular interest for aerospace, automotive and material manufacturing industries.

Document Details

AuthorWright. L
Date 29th March 2016
OrganisationNational Physical Laboratory


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