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Exploring Explicit Dynamics : Impact, Shock & Crash

Exploring Explicit Dynamics
Impact, Shock & Crash

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Explicit Dynamics Finite Element Analysis has been used by industry and academia for many years. With advanced techniques such as particle methods, Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian and advance failure methods becoming more prevalent in general purpose simulation packages, simulation engineers have never had such capabilities at their fingertips.

Modelling impact, shock & crash phenomenon is inherently difficult. The process is highly non-linear, materials are strain rate dependant, damage has to be realistically represented in order to capture the response of the product. The aim of this seminar is to present and discuss the challenges, and solutions in this field, using real engineering examples.

This seminar was applicable to all of the typical analyses across a number of different industries, from automotive to electronics and everything in between.


The Use of Crash Dummy Models in the Virtual Vehicle Development Process
Richard Brown, Jaguar Land Rover

Quo Vadis Crash Simulation: Do we Still Need the Physical Twin?
André Haufe, DYNAmore

Prediction of the Ballistic Limit of an Aluminium Sandwich Panel
James Campbell, Brunel University London

Using Advanced FEA to Redefine ‘Failure’ for the White Rose Offshore Platform
Joseph Fisk, Arup

Blast & Ballistic Explicit FEA Simulations
David Ellis & Paul Turner, D J Goode & Associates Ltd

Reducing Computational Costs – Practical Insights into a Lower Order (Macro-Element) Approach for Automotive Crash
Kevin Hughes, Brunel University London

Tool Cost Savings and Fast Tracking of the Development Phase of Nocsae Standards Compliant Helmets through Advanced Impact Simulations
Hugo Bastien, CREAFORM Engineering


Exploring Explicit DynamicsImpact, Shock & Crash

Hosted & Supported by



This seminar has been organised by the NAFEMS UK Steering Committee and the NAFEMS Impact, Shock & Crash Working Group. NAFEMS recently created the ISCWG in order that knowledge of state-of-the-art explicit dynamic methods may be disseminated across the broader simulation community. The ISCWG would like to use this initiative to reach out to potential new members, to hear about the needs of industry.


We would like to extend an invitation to your company to be part of this exciting event. There are several outstanding opportunities available for your company to sponsor or exhibit at the seminar, giving you maximum exposure to a highly targeted audience of delegates, who are all directly involved in simulation, analysis, and design.
Please contact Jo Davenport - to discuss the options available.