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A Study of European Commission Funded Research that incorporates the use or development of Continuum solution methods

A Study of European Commission Funded Research that incorporates the use or development of Continuum solution methods

A Study of European Commission Funded Research that incorporates the use or development of Continuum solution methods

Due to the evolving nature of the engineering analysis and simulation market this publication no longer represents current best practice and has been archived. The document may be of historical interest and is therefore still available for purchase

This report presents summaries of research activities funded by the European Commision (EC) that incorporate or have a relevance to those areas of continuum analysis known as Finite Element, Finite Difference, Finite Volumes, Computational Fluid Dynamics Boundary Elements and other similar processes. The summaries were extracted from the total range of programmes funded by the European Commission and are not limited to the well known ESPIRIT and BRITE/EURAM activities. It is often forgotten that there are several communities administered by the Commission of the European Communities – to give it its full name – each of which has its own funding programme. These communities are the Iron and Steel community, EURATOM, ESRO and the European Economic Community (EEC). In addition there are the European research institutions such as ISPRA (in Italy) that undertake their own research work in parallel with the other activities.

As far as can be ascertained, this study is the first vertical analysis of a subject area that cuts across a diverse range of research programmes that span from AERO (the aerodynamics programme), HYDROCARB (the fuels programme) through to MAST (Marine and Ship Technology) and SCIENCE (basic scientific research).

This summary report is the first phase in that it represents a summary of funded projects. Full abstracts of the work, including in most cases contact names and participants, are held by NAFEMS and can be obtained on request. The second phase will be the collection – where possible – of copies to the public domain reports relating to these research activities and links to other relevant research work.

Product Details

Order Ref: R0060s

Member Price
£5.00 | $6.48 | €6.02
Non-member Price
£15.00 | $19.43 | €18.05


E.A. Warman

First Published - January 1998

Softback, 9 Pages