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Found 1471 results, Showing Page 1 of 148

Title Type Author
Fatigue Design Simulation of Mechanical Equipment Including Seven Case StudiesPresentationWidders. R
Fatigue Strength in Hydrogen Applications – Current Applications and TrendsPresentationRensink. D
Integration of System Simulations for Simple and Meaningful Fatigue Strength Testing of SubstructuresPresentationLandersheim. V
Fatigue Design Simulation of Mechanical Equipment Including Seven Case StudiesPresentation RecordingWidders. R
Structural Integrity from the Past to the FuturePresentation RecordingGuillaume. M
Durability And Damage Tolerance (DADT) of AM ComponentsPresentationChandwani. R
Creating Surrogate (Simplified) Loads From Multiple Vibration EnvironmentsPresentationBishop. N Leisten. P
Structural Integrity from the Past to the FuturePresentationGuillaume. M
Integration of System Simulations for Simple and Meaningful Fatigue Strength Testing of SubstructuresPresentation RecordingLandersheim. V
Fatigue Strength in Hydrogen Applications – Current Applications and TrendsPresentation RecordingRensink. D