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Found 1576 results, Showing Page 1 of 158

Title Type Author
Finite Element Dynamics PrimerPublicationHitchings. D
DoES Theme: How do we enable interoperability at the process and embedded intelligence level?Presentation
Integration Theme: How do we leverage SPDM as an approach to enable better integration?Presentation
What are the requirements for co-simulation across differing levels of fidelity and application domains?Presentation
Credibility Theme: How do we facilitate crossing the chasm from confidence to credibility?Presentation
FEM Idealisation of JointsPublicationHopkins. P
How To Do Seismic Analysis Using Finite ElementsPublicationCooper. P Hoby. P Prinja. N
Obtaining Parameters for Geotechnical AnalysisPublicationLees. A
How can we address/overcome the barrier of limited understanding/communication of realizable business value at decision level of management related to the value of Engineering Simulation?Presentation
Credibility Theme: What does it take to establish external credibilityPresentation