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Found 1711 results, Showing Page 1 of 172

Title Type Author
Guidelines for Validation of Engineering SimulationsPublicationImbert. J-F Widlund. O Karl. A Roger. C
How Engineering Simulation is Bringing a Revolution for Product DevelopmentWebinarStein. J P Ragani. A F
How Engineering Simulation is Bringing a Revolution for Product DevelopmentPresentationStein. J P Ragani. A F
A Lifetime Journey with Product Development Analysis and SimulationWebinarPopescu-Gatlan. A
Verification & Validation in Engineering SimulationTraining CourseImbert. J-F Pasquest. P
Verification and Validation in Scientific ComputingTraining CourseOberkampf. W Roy. C
Fundamentals of Simulation GovernanceOn-Demand CourseSzabo. B Actis. R
How to Implement a Modelling & Simulation StrategyTraining CourseRichardson. A
Getting Started with FEAOn-Demand CourseStrain. J
Python for FEA: Automation and OptimizationTraining CourseHerraez. M