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Found 2156 results, Showing Page 1 of 216

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„Lebendige“ FE Superelemente mit Machine LearningPresentationMoretti. W
“BAM” – A Collaborative R&D Project for the Development of a Simulation Based Solution for the Design and Manufacture of 3D Woven CompositesPaperSaid. R Müller. S de Luca. P Thompson. A El Said. B Hallett. S Endruweit. A Brown. L Long. A Koncherry. V Potluri. P
 Simulation of Electric Arcs Presentation RecordingFuchs. R
 Simulation of Electric Arcs PresentationFuchs. R
xMCF - Standard for Documenting Connection InformationPresentationFranke. C Zhang. G Weinert. M
e-Commerce – The Complete Virtual ISTA-6 Model is HerePaperGilmore. S
Zuverlassigkeitsbetrachtungen bei elektronischen Leiterplattenkomponenten - Herausforderungen und Losungen fur die thermomechanische FEM-SimulationPresentationIberians. T
Zeiteffiziente und datenfreie Bauteil und Prozesssimulation mithilfe von Physics Informed Neural NetworksPresentationWürth. T
Yield Stress is Not Enough: Recent Innovations in Micromechanics for Nonlinear AnalysisPaperMargetts. L
XFEM Application to Crack Growth Correlation in Aeronautical StructuresPaperRivero. I Gomez-Escalonilla. J Garcia. A Ramirez. V Garijo. D