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Found 11 results, Showing Page 1 of 2

Title Type Author
Topological Optimization of an Aerospace Component, with CAD Geometry ReconstructionPresentationByrne. D
Nonlinear Random Vibration FEA of an automotive display PresentationKumar. S
Virtual Factory to Physical ProductsPresentationSunder. S
Operation of a Professional Simulation Engineering Firm in SingaporePresentationChee. K
Addressing Your Future Workforce Computing WorkloadsPresentationTan. C
Finite Element Analysis of Construction Noise and Ground VibrationsPresentationTan. A
A Practical FEA Approach for Arc Fault Explosion AssessmentPresentationParool. N
Solving Image-Based Modelling ChallengesPresentationYoung. P
Some thoughts on Simulation Best PracticePresentationFord. C
Simulation Driven Industry 4.0PresentationSrirangarajan. S