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Found 76 results, Showing Page 1 of 8

Title Type Author
Virtual Validation of Intelligent Lighting FeaturesExtended AbstractDubey. V
Accurate Warpage Predictions for FDM ProcessesExtended AbstractLavertu. PY
Enabling Business, Design and Simulation Functions to Jointly Verify Product Requirements within a SPDM PlatformExtended AbstractSchmidt D Duggan. A
Investigation into Distortion of Long-Span Zirconia Dental Bridges Induced by SinteringExtended AbstractAregawai. WA Madanipour.H McCorkle. M Golestanian. V Leeson. D Fok. ASL
Analysis and Simulation of Your Engineering License for Better NegotiationsExtended AbstractCole. L
Vehicle BIW Design and Optimization with CAE Parametric TechnologyExtended AbstractShankar. V
Deep-Learning for Engineering Application: Technical Capabilities and Transformation of Industrial ProcessesExtended AbstractKalaidov. M Chakravarty. S
Optimal Stopping of Fatigue TestingExtended AbstractFrondelius. T Vaara. J Hartikainen. M Sindhya. K Konno. J
Efficient Large Assembly Modeling Using ModulesExtended AbstractChang. H
Role of Simulation Governance in Zero-Emission MarineExtended AbstractKonno. J Frondelius. T Holsa. A