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Found 157 results, Showing Page 1 of 16

Title Type Author
Caterpillar Democratized Spreadsheet AppsMagazine ArticleWieland. N Thompson. K
Caterpillar Democratized Spreadsheet AppsExtended AbstractThompson. K
Caterpillar Democratized Spreadsheet AppsPresentationThompson. K
Practical Implementation of Digital Twins for Today and TomorrowPresentation RecordingWellborn. S
Incorporating STEM, Diversity, and A New Role: Managing a Team of Simulation ExpertsPresentation RecordingSteffek. J
Optimization, Machine Learning, & Digital Thread in Structures: Perspective from BoeingPresentation RecordingBalabanov. V
Changing a Product Development Culture from “Test Focused” to “Simulation-Led” - Sharing the Keys to Caterpillar’s Success in Achieving This ChangePresentation RecordingMeffert. D
Modeling and Simulation: An Alternative Approach to Integrating Digital Tools in Design and EngineeringPresentationParanjothy. S
Toward Broad Use of Computers for Engineering - How Collaborative R&D Led to Monte Carlo SimulationPresentationAllen. G
Incorporating STEM, Diversity, and A New Role: Managing a Team of Simulation ExpertsPresentationSteffek. J