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Found 30 results, Showing Page 1 of 3

Title Type Author
An Open Discussion on Democratization in the Automotive IndustryPresentationPopielas. F
Efficient Validation and Verification of ADAS Algorithms Using Simulation and Design Exploration TechniquesPresentationKrishnan. K
Fatigue Simulation of Welds Using the Total-Life MethodPresentationMentley. J
Generative Design When it Matters Most!PresentationYadav. P
System Simulation to Optimize Powertrain NVHPresentationFestag. G
Engineering Challenges for Modelling 77GHz Antenna Arrays for Autonomous Vehicles and ADAS ApplicationsPresentationSalman. L
Simulation Solution for xEV DevelopmentPresentationLinares. W
How Can I Democratize Engineering Analysis & Simulation through Automation, Embedded Intelligence and Smart Processes?PresentationBhogle. S
Accurate Heat Transfer Simulation of Rough Wall Cooling Channels with Complex GeometriesPresentationHoffmeyer. M
Learning Simulation in the Academic Environment: Inside and Outside the ClassroomPresentationMidlam-Mohler. S