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Found 27 results, Showing Page 1 of 3

Title Type Author
A Coupled Flow, Heat and Structural Analysis Tool to Reduce Creep During Heat Treatment of Titanium ComponentsPresentationHeck. U Becker. M Passmann. R Hardenacke. V
Benchmark July 2023 - Act LivelyMagazineNAFEMS
CEMWG: The Computational Electromagnetics Working Group Electromagnetism at the Service of Multiphysics Engineering ApplicationsPresentationAlves. J
Combined multi-physics battery simulation for evaluation of multi-disciplinary safety scenariosPresentationKospach. A Möller. S Jantscher. K Köster. N Jürgen. A Breitfuss. C Kreimaier. H Simon. F
Coupled Simulations of Tribological Systems Using a Multiphysics Computational MethodPresentationGrevemeier. V
Design of Landing Gears using Multiphysics CAE simulationsPresentationSwarnkar. R
Dry-Out Time Prediction of Automotive Applications with Water Evaporation CFD using a Meshfree Collocation ApproachPresentationLee. JH Bader. D Rehfeldt. S Klein. H
Efficient Frequency Sweeps for Optimization of (Vibro-)Acoustic Radiation ProblemsPresentationMarburg. S
Electromagnetic Field Simulation of Moving Parts with Finite and Boundary ElementsPresentationZehner. J Rüberg. T Kielhorn L
Investigation of CFD-DEM-FEM momentum coupling results for AWJC Nozzle using preCICEPresentationBesseron. X Peters. B