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Found 26 results, Showing Page 1 of 3

Title Type Author
The Future of Engineering SimulationPresentationASSESS NAFEMS
Crossing the Chasm: Qualification and Certification by AnalysisPresentationShaw. S
Engineering Simulation Confidence & Credibility - What can NAFEMS/ASSESS do to improve confidence of simulation analysts and credibility for decision makers?PresentationASSESS NAFEMS
Supporting Autonomy with Engineering SimulationPresentationASSESS NAFEMS
Alignment of Commercial, Research and Government EffortsPresentationASSESS NAFEMS
Democratization of Engineering Simulation - How do we address the bottleneck(s) of required expertise to enable a broader set of users?PresentationASSESS NAFEMS
Engineering Simulation Confidence & Credibility - How can we elevate the awareness and application of the Engineering Simulation Risk Model?PresentationASSESS NAFEMS
How are verification and validation maintained when the ES model is continually changing?PresentationASSESS NAFEMS
Alignment of Commercial, Research and Government Efforts - What incentives (or dis incentives) exist that prevent progress toward realization of a more interoperable ecosystems?PresentationASSESS NAFEMS
Business Challenges - How do we define and maximize the business value of AI/ML related to improving innovation, improving design iterations, and moving toward zero prototype design?PresentationASSESS NAFEMS