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Found 13 results, Showing Page 1 of 2

Title Type Author
Models for the simulation of mechanism slider jamming & measurementsPresentationFrangin. E Sultanpuram. S R Thomas. G
Improving the sustainability of wind turbine gearboxes through virtual journal bearing optimization with MBSPresentationMarc. J
Dynamic analysis of Transport Cargo Unit (TCU) sudden stop case on Beluga XLPresentationTasic. M
Practical application and validation of the time-domain boundary element method in acousticsPresentationGiese. T Schneider. S
The introduction of modern multibody dynamics and its applicationsPresentationShin. D
Modeling and Optimization of a Controlled Lambda Robot via Surrogate ModelsPresentationBestle. D
Closures Deformation Optimization Considering Kinetics systemPresentationShin. J Paraschoudis. A
Stretching the limits of MBD simulation modelsPresentationMorelle. P
A Dynamic Damper’s FunctionalityPresentationTesti. R
Deliver high fidelity simulation model considering the entire system loads into deformable structure, using co-simulation based on MBS and nonlinear FEMPresentationKuczek. K