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Simulation of the Airbag Deployment Process in “Out of Position” Load-Cases

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 6, January 2007

ISSN 1462-236X

Simulation of Turbulent Swirling Flows: Gas Turbine Combustor Application and Validation

U Göhner and A Haufe
DYNAmore GmbH, 70565 Stuttgart, Germany

Keywords: Fluid-Structure-Interaction, Comparison, Control Volume Technique, Euler Lagrange Coupling, Airbag Deployment, Out-of-Position Load Case, LS-DYNA



Many accidents with children or small adults, where the ignition of the airbag leads to dangerous and even fatal injuries for the passengers, have led to a number of efforts to analyse this so-called “Out-of- Position” load case more deeply within the development process of an airbag system. In the framework of simulation systems the fluid-structure interaction between the inflating gas and the airbag fabric has not been taken into account in the past. Recent developments in the LS-DYNA software package allow a fully coupled arbitrary Lagrange-Euler formulation and thus a more exact representation of the airbag deployment process within the simulation system. In the present contribution we will describe the standard procedure, based on the assumption of a uniform pressure distribution in the airbag and the recently achieved advances in LS-DYNA with respect to fluid-structure interaction of the expanding gas and the inflating airbag fabric.


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Cite this paper

U Göhner, A Haufe, Simulation of Turbulent Swirling Flows: Gas Turbine Combustor Application and Validation, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 6, 2007, Pages 5-14,

Document Details

AuthorsGöhner. U Haufe. A
TypeJournal Article
Date 3rd January 2007


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