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Simulations of Viscoelastic Polymer Solution Flows

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 6, January 2007

ISSN 1462-236X

Simulations of Viscoelastic Polymer Solution Flows

D Niedziela, A Latz and O Iliev
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM), Fraunhofer-Platz 1, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Keywords: Fluid-Structure-Interaction, Comparison, Control Volume Technique, Euler Lagrange Coupling, Airbag Deployment, Out-of-Position Load Case, LS-DYNA



Many natural and synthetic fluids are viscoelastic materials i.e. the stress at a certain fluid particle depends upon the history of the deformation experienced by that particle. Polymer melts and most polymer solutions are examples of such liquids. Simulation of the flow of these fluids is therefore of great interest for the plastic industry. Viscoelastic fluids are examples of non - Newtonian fluids. While the Newtonian fluids are characterised by a constant viscosity (i.e., constant ratio between shear stress and the rate of strain), the non-Newtonian fluids require more complicated constitutive relations in order to close the governing system of equations...


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D Niedziela, A Latz, O Iliev, Simulations of Viscoelastic Polymer Solution Flows, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 6, 2007, Pages 15-25,

Document Details

AuthorsNiedziela. D Latz. A Iliev. O
TypeJournal Article
Date 3rd January 2007


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