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Simulation of Flows in Complex Geometries: New Meshing and Solution Methods

NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies

Volume 6, January 2007

ISSN 1462-236X

Simulation of Flows in Complex Geometries: New Meshing and Solution Methods

M Perić
CD-adapco, Nürnberg Office, Dürrenhofstraße 4, 90402 Nürnberg, Germany

Keywords: Complex Geometry, Automatic Meshing, Polyhedral Control Volumes and Finite-Volume Methods



The use of CFD is spreading in all areas of engineering. The flow domains are usually very complicated, which places high demands on both meshing and solution methods.
In this manuscript the newest developments in the handling of complex geometries in CFD are presented. The limitations with respect to the shape of control volumes that may appear in a numerical grid are lifted: cells of arbitrary polyhedral shape are allowed. CAD-integration of all CFD tools and automatic generation of polyhedral meshes, as well as a solution method that can use such meshes, are also presented and the advantages of the new technology are discussed. The emphasis is on CAD integration, automatic mesh generation, and optimisation of mesh quality. The aim of all of these measures is the shortening of analysis time in all phases of a CFD simulation and at the same time an improvement of solution quality.


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Moulinec, C., Benhamadouche, S., Laurence, D., Perić, M.: LES in a U-bend pipe meshed by polyhedral cells, ERCOFTAC ETMM-6 Conference, Sardinia, Mai 2005, Elsevier.

Cite this paper

M Perić, Simulation of Flows in Complex Geometries: New Meshing and Solution Methods, NAFEMS International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 6, 2007, Pages 27-37,

Document Details

AuthorPeri. M
TypeJournal Article
Date 3rd January 2007


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