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Found 2118 results, Showing Page 1 of 212

Title Type Author
Composite Plate Design Optimization Using Enhanced Hyper-cube Ant Colony Optimization AlgorithmPaperAhmid. A
Composite Plate Design Optimization Using Enhanced Hyper-cube Ant Colony Optimization AlgorithmPresentationAhmid. A
How Additive Manufacturing And Engineering Simulation Affect Each OtherPresentationSchopf. G
Virtuelles Fluidmanagement Anwendung der Lagrange-Methode in einer innovativen Simulationsumgebung zur Losung von Problemstellungen im Automotive-BereichPresentationRedi. D Diebald. S
Simulation der Dichtheit von Gummistopfen mit LagerschädenPresentationZüger. M
Finite Element Simulation of the eRod ChassisPaperZueger. M
A chamber and ten thousand pipes: the challenge of simulating combustion and heat recovery in power plantsPresentationHeras. L
Oven optimization for hybrid solar panel productionPresentationPérez-Heras. L
Quality-Controlled Turbomachinery Flow Simulations - A Key to Digitized Product DesignPresentationScheuerer. G
Ansätze zur Berücksichtigung von realen Imperfektionen in der Auslegung von StrukturbauteilenPresentationMösenbacher. A Slaby. S A Sturm. J