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Found 14 results, Showing Page 1 of 2

Title Type Author
Only when flow simulation is easy to do its full potential is available in the design processPresentationVidal. M
Use of Open-Source Solver Technology for Design-related CFDPresentationKorth. P
Optimized Working Process in a Practice Oriented CFD ProjectPresentationMarkl-Golos. R
Abstract Modeling Streamlines CFD Processes Improving Productivity and Engineering CollaborationPresentationPeters. K Patil. A
New Ways of Developing a Direct-Cooled Battery ModulePresentationDobusch. P
A step towards seamless engineering: CFD integrated CAD solution for simulating HVAC systems PresentationJambhkar. V Luzzato. C Iseler. J
Efficient designing of a battery cell cooling element by using close collaboration of CFD & CAD methodsPresentationMenzl. K Karve. M
Cloud ready Apps for CAE/CFD Applications PresentationGeller. S Papper. J
Transient Flow Analyses: Avoiding the Trade-Off Between High Accuracy and High Computing CostPresentationSzöke-Schuller. R
CFD for Designers - of Solenoid Valeves at the automotive supplier PierburgPresentationWanzek. T