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Found 7 results, Showing Page 1 of 1

Title Type Author
Tool Cost Savings and Fast Tracking of the Development Phase of Nocsae Standards Compliant Helmets through Advanced Impact SimulationsPresentation RecordingBastien. H
Reducing Computational Costs – Practical Insights into a Lower Order (Macro-Element) Approach for Automotive CrashPresentation RecordingHughes. K
Blast & Ballistic Explicit FEA SimulationsPresentation RecordingEllis. D
Quo Vadis Crash Simulation: Do we Still Need the Physical Twin?Presentation RecordingHaufe. A
Using Advanced FEA to Redefine ‘Failure’ for the White Rose Offshore PlatformPresentation RecordingFisk. J
Prediction of the Ballistic Limit of an Aluminium Sandwich PanelPresentation RecordingCampbell. J
The Use of Crash Dummy Models in the Virtual Vehicle Development ProcessPresentation RecordingBrown. R