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Tool Cost Savings and Fast Tracking of the Development Phase of Nocsae Standards Compliant Helmets through Advanced Impact Simulations

This presentation was made at the NAFEMS Seminar "Exploring Explicit Dynamics - Impact, Shock & Crash" held on the 13-14 April 2021.

Explicit Dynamics Finite Element Analysis has been used by industry and academia for many years. With advanced techniques such as particle methods, Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian and advance failure methods becoming more prevalent in general purpose simulation packages, simulation engineers have never had such capabilities at their fingertips.

Modelling impact, shock & crash phenomenon is inherently difficult. The process is highly non-linear, materials are strain rate dependant, damage has to be realistically represented in order to capture the response of the product. The aim of this seminar was to present and discuss the challenges, and solutions in this field, using real engineering examples.

Document Details

AuthorBastien. H
TypePresentation Recording
Date 13th April 2021


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