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Found 27 results, Showing Page 1 of 3

Title Type Author
Coupled Simulations of Tribological Systems Using a Multiphysics Computational MethodPresentationGrevemeier. V
Dry-Out Time Prediction of Automotive Applications with Water Evaporation CFD using a Meshfree Collocation ApproachPresentationLee. JH Bader. D Rehfeldt. S Klein. H
Performing active suspension control in 1D simulation using high order Functional Mock-up UnitsPresentationDaniel. D Mademlis. A
Predicting sound radiation from loudspeaker enclosuresPresentationMagalotti. R
Thermal Design of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for a High-Speed Drive for Fuel Cell Air CompressorsPresentationSkellaris. H Bayrasy. P
Thermoelectrical Performance of a Hyperconducting Coil Cooled by Liquid HydrogenPresentationRey. R Climente-Alarcon. V
Sort Circuit Analysis on Distribution Transformer TankPresentationCal. J Michalski. L
Investigation of CFD-DEM-FEM momentum coupling results for AWJC Nozzle using preCICEPresentationBesseron. X Peters. B
CEMWG: The Computational Electromagnetics Working Group Electromagnetism at the Service of Multiphysics Engineering ApplicationsPresentationAlves. J
Multiphysics Conference 2023Event ProceedingsNAFEMS