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Found 12 results, Showing Page 1 of 2

Title Type Author
Integrated Multidisciplinary Design Approaches to the Challenges of Hydrogen SystemsPresentationVisrolia. A
On Multiscale Modeling of the Deformation and Failure of Polymers and Polymer-matrix CompositesPresentationDoghri. I
Composite Casing and Tubing for Hydrogen TransportPresentationMoslemian. R
Solvent Power: Predicting the Effect of Fluid Absorption on the Mechanical Properties of Thermoplastics and their CompositesPresentationJanssen. F
Multi-Physics Approach to Assess the Risk of Hydrogen Assisted Cold CrackingPresentationLondon. T
A Coupled Model for Hydrogen-induced Depressurization Damage in Multilayer Polymer SystemsPresentationTraidia. A
Multiscale Modelling of Composite Structures Dedicated to the Storage of High Pressure Gas or Cryogenic LiquidPresentationBois. C
Computational Predictions of Hydrogen Uptake, Diffusion and Embrittlement in Metallic MaterialsPresentationMartínez-Pañeda. E
Modelling & Simulation to Support the Hydrogen Economy - RescalePresentationNAFEMS
Modelling & Simulation to Support the Hydrogen Economy - AnsysPresentationNAFEMS