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Found 535 results, Showing Page 1 of 54

Title Type Author
Applications of Simulation Techniques, including Machine LearningMagazine ArticleGroza. M
The Best of the Best - Winners from NWC23 AwardsMagazine ArticleNAFEMS
Benchmark July 2023 - Act LivelyMagazineNAFEMS
Inside the James Webb TelescopeMagazine ArticleSymington. I
NAFEMS Dach Magazine Issue 066MagazineRohwer. K
Machine Learning-based Multiscale Simulation of Composite Materials with Applications to Electronics Drop TestsPresentation RecordingMedikonda. S Wei. H Srivastava. A Hu. W Wu. CT
Crash Pulse Variation Effect on Brain Injury Criterion (BrIC)Presentation RecordingSlaats. P
Framework for In Silico Clinical Trials to assess the Performance of Medical DevicesPresentation RecordingStroh. A Yao. J Battisti. T D'Souza. K Pathak. A
Microscopic and Macroscopic Modeling of Linear Viscoelastic Vibration Behavior of Short Fiber Reinforced PlasticsPresentation RecordingKriwet. A Urban. F Er. D Stommel. M Middendorf. P
Microscopic and Macroscopic Modeling of Linear Viscoelastic Vibration Behavior of Short Fiber Reinforced PlasticsPresentation RecordingKriwet. A Urban. F Er. D Stommel. M Middendorf. P