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What can go wrong? In this lesson we meet experts from the NAFEMS Multibody Dynamics Working Group who discuss what can wrong when building an MBD model. Previous chapter Next Chapter...more
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What can an MBD solver do? This lesson provides an overview of the characteristics of the MBD method. The lesson also covers the strengths and limitations of the MBD method. Previous chapter Next Chapter...more
What is Verification and Validation? Verification and Validation (V&V) is a major aspect of the work of the Analysis Management Working Group (AMWG) . The AMWG is currently developing a range of publications on this theme, and as part of the first step they have developed the following leaflet which provides a brief overview of V&V and associated terms. To download this leaflet, please click on the link below: What is Verification & Validation? To view this leaflet, please click on the link below: What is V&V?...more
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Frequently Asked Questions The answers to 50 frequently asked questions can be found in the pdf file available at the link below. Frequently Asked Questions Questions include: Q1. In the notes section which explains Gaussian quadrature (integration) it is stated that ‘With many elements the use of the low order integration rule reduces element stiffness’. Can you explain to me how this comes about? Q2. Why and when can symmetry be used when creating a finite element model? Q3. What boundary conditions should I apply to symmetric models? Q4. In the notes section it is stated that a type of element distortion that can lead to errors in the FE solution is due to mid side nodes not being positioned...more
This presentation was made at the NAFEMS Americas Seminar "Model-Based Engineering: What is it & How Will It Impact Engineering Simulation" held on the 1st of October 2019 in Columbus Ohio Resource Abstract The increase in global urbanization presents significant traffic congestion and emission challenges. Ford sees these challenges as an opportunity to design smart Autonomous Vehicle Solutions that can actually help city planners design transportation systems that improve the quality of life for everyone. To accomplish this goal we are leveraging Systems Thinking, Model Based Systems Engineering and Virtual Simulation Analysis & Design to define the next generation of mobility solutions. ...more
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