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Found 1577 results, Showing Page 1 of 158

Title Type Author
A Simulation Methodology for the Design of Trailing-Edge Flap Deployment MechanismPresentationÖNGÜT. A
Applications of Extended RealityMagazine Articlede Souza. A
Personalized Healthcare in the Age of SimulationMagazine Articled'Souza. K
Finite Element Simulation of the eRod ChassisPaperZueger. M
Vibration and Radiated Noise Simulation of Engine Gear Rattle and WhinePresentationZouani. K
Advanced Anisotropic Damping Modeling for Improved Engine Design for NVHPresentationZouani. K
Advanced Anisotropic Damping Modeling for Improved Engine Design for NVHPresentation RecordingZouani. K
Microstructure Optimization for NVH Improvement - Application to SFRP Engine Mount BracketPresentationZouani. K
Aircraft air-intake optimisation using AI supported Virtual Blade ModelPresentationZipszer. G
Civil Engineering Applications of FEMPresentationZhao. Y