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Found 1717 results, Showing Page 1 of 172

Title Type Author
The Response to COVID-19Magazine Article
How To Choose A Finite Element Pre- And Post-ProcessorPublicationBaguley. D Hose. D
The GEM Modelling MethodologyPublicationBohms. H
GEM - A Guide to Shape and Models & Relevant Resource Parts in STEPPublicationGoult. R Leal. D Helpenstein. H
NAFEMS QSS Primer 2014PublicationSmith. J
How To Get Started With Finite ElementsPublicationBaguley. D Hose. D
Interactive cloud-based visualization of CAE modelsPresentation
Management of Finite Element Analysis - Guidelines to Best PracticePublicationBeattie. G
Why do Electromagnetic Finite Element AnalysisPublicationEllis. D Tang. K
Why Do Design OptimisationPublicationSpicer. D