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Found 30 results, Showing Page 1 of 3

Title Type Author
Structural Optimization Methods with Commonality Constraints: Applications of Multi-Model OptimizationPresentationAdduri. P
How Can I Democratize Engineering Analysis & Simulation through Automation, Embedded Intelligence and Smart Processes?PresentationBhogle. S
Simulation Based Study of Pedestrian Detectability on Roads with High Radar Cross Section Infrastructure for 77 GHz Automotive RadarPresentationChipengo. U
Overcoming Technical Challenges to Enable Faster & Smoother Transition from Physical to Virtual Design Validation TestingPresentationDahiya. L
Systems Thinking for the Design of Complex ProductsPresentationFelice. M
System Simulation to Optimize Powertrain NVHPresentationFestag. G
A Massive Simulation Approach to Verify and Validate AV SystemsPresentationGioutsos. T
Analysis and Optimization of an Automotive Cradle Using Single Finite Element Model with Multiple Attributes i.e. NVH, Strength and FatiguePresentationHiremath. P
Accurate Heat Transfer Simulation of Rough Wall Cooling Channels with Complex GeometriesPresentationHoffmeyer. M
Multi-Material Topology Optimization for Automotive ApplicationsPresentationHoglund. R