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Found 8213 results, Showing Page 1 of 822

Title Type Author
Benchmark Test in Thermal Stress Analysis Using Finite ElementsPublicationBurrows. D
Basic And Shape Sensitivity Tests For Membrane And Plate Bending Finite ElementsPublicationRobinson. J
Shell Finite Element Evaluation TestsPublicationMorris. A
Benchmark Tests For Various Finite Element AssembliesPublicationDavies. G Kamoulakos. A Hitchings. D
An Introduction to Hierarchical Displacement Element and the Adaptive TechniquePublicationRobinson. J
Benchmark Tests For Thermal Analysis Volume2PublicationCasey. J
Benchmark Tests For Various Finite Element Assemblies - Thin ShellPublicationKamoulakos. A Hitchings. D Davies. G
Distortion Measures For Quadrilaterals with Curved BoundariesPublicationRobinson. J
NAFEMS Selected Benchmarks of Natural Frequency AnalysisPublicationAbbassian. F Dawswell. D Knowles. N
Linear Static Benchmarks Volume 2PublicationHitchings. D